Exploring Sea Caves, and moving to a new bay

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 1 Feb 2010 04:41
between the two islands and then south for about 2 miles along the coast, it
was calm, yet there were rain clouds to the top end of island but no wind
and no issue. We were on a mission to see some sea caves that we had been
recommended, the coast line were spectacular geology with sedimentary rock
layer been folded up like a layered cake having been dropped on it's side
and bounced. Then we found the large caverns (not as big as the painted
caves of Santa Cruz) but still big and like a cathedral towering above us as
we entered. The boys were not so sure about this so we short trips in with
the roof towering above us with suspended boulders in this rock formation,
been there for millions of years, made a impressive site. But the trip back
we could look at the coast and the different formations, in good lights, and
it is truly a good lecture opportunity in geology, at one stage you could
see 12 different layers all different tones of brown and red heading up to
the peaks. See photo of the trip back.
Being Sunday we set up a soccer pitch on the beach and went to practice
(both boys have been doing this for over a year and love it) so we ran
around and practiced the kicks.
After lunch we lifted the anchor and moved on to a new bay, we went along
the coast in and out of different bays, finding many more boats ( a bit of
shock), eventually we dropped anchor in Ensenada Grande under the white
crosses (recommended by Dan Fitz, and Dan is looks great, I will climb the
hill above the cross tomorrow to get a shot of the bay similar to one you
sent me of your boat). We did house work (cleaning, making water, and
attempted to use the washing machine off the inverter this we have not
tested before and guess what it did not work, not sure why yet as everything
looks fine, but it is another job added to list) and went ashore to do an
initial discovery and found a river or attempted one, which has mangroves
around it, which will be a nice paddle for Sean in his own kayak. Sean is
enjoying exploring new bays, and Alex is just enjoying the beaches and
finding things on the beach, shells, dead fish etc.
We dropped anchor with 2 other boats with us, by sunset another 5 had come
in all from Moorings charters, must be a popular destination on their maps,
but I cannot deny it is a nice bay with steep read cliffs encircling the
boat, with turquoise water with different shades coming from this red rock,
making it very inviting to snorkel, which I plan to do tomorrow.