Donating to School, + food poisening

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Fri 23 Apr 2010 13:57
humidity has gone up, it is just before the rainy season, it should start in
the next couple of weeks, and provide a relief in the afternoon. The sugar
cane burn offs continue to happen and this adds to the hazy environment,
again the rains will help. I remember Kenya been like this just before the
rainy season, but at least we have relief, the guys in the Sea of Cortez are
in for a baking this year.
I and Sean found ourselves with upset stomachs and cramping from food
poisoning we think from the restaurant 2 nights before and one of the other
boats was also suffering, this really takes it out of you, in energy and
water especially with the heat. So we restricted the jobs we were doing, and
slept a a lot. As for Tracy's breathing issues one of the ladies went to
town and got 80% of what she needed and she has started administrating that
and it seams to be helping.
In the morning yesterday we went to the school on the island again, this
time with Greg (another cruiser) and 2 bags of toys and a soccer ball, Sean
had gone through his tuff on the boat and decided what he could do with out.
Initially we got there and helped some of his friends with the water out of
the well (see photos) this they have to do each day, the boys find this
fascinating as they have seen wells in stories but not one working, and
dropping the bucket down into it, and pulling up the water.
We then wandered into the village and school and Tracy and Sean went through
the toys with the class, and played with them, the excitement was great, and
buzzy in the room. The soccer ball was taken on by the older ones and Sean
proceeded outside to play and show his soccer skills, and they welcomed him
into the game. It is amazing to see him as he is talking in broken Spanish,
and realizing how fortunate he is, with the toys, and school he attended,
and that he does not have to sell things or work on boats get water each
day. He continues to ask questions and wants to learn more and more, again a
good sign, and he is enjoying the home schooling at the boat.
Last night we had a big gathering for Happy Hour the cruisers all came
together, we had a another 2 boats arrive and there will be more by the
weekend as there is a weather window. Again the swapping of stories and
places, Tracy sat down with one of the boats that has come north, and she
went through the build for Costa Rica and Panama finding the calm anchorages
and best places, this is good as she is engaged, and wants to make the next
section enjoyable. It certainly appears that there will be better cruising
and diving less long distances, and lots of islands. We will validate this
with others who come north and this is how you take a guide book and really
make it current and customer to what you want.
Today is cleaning and laundry and a couple of jobs around the boat, Tracy is
getting a massage as a birthday present from one of the ladies on
Sunsenation which will be nice.