Looking forward to Going South across the Cruisers Here in the Estuary

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Thu 26 Aug 2010 03:47
In a period of 10 days there has been an amazing shift in holding out the
summer on a day to day life, to "oh shit the summer is nearly over" and
people rushing to get things completed and ready to leave. More and more
boats are returning from the states with plans to leave in the next 6 weeks.
You listen to grinders going, and people who have been here for months going
at it with the jobs they have been putting off.
Today in the after noon while I was sitting at the bar doing PC work, John
from SunSenation (who we will travel south with) came ashore to spend time
on planning using the new chart system I worked out yesterday using google
earth. He and I spent hours discussing surfing spots and calm anchorages
just in Nicaragua.
John and Sharon are from San Diego and he is a surfer returned from the fire
force. So he is looking for surf spots, and Sharon wants calm anchorages
(this combination is interesting one of surf and no swell!!!!).
But we investigated every bay down the countries coast, reading cruising
guides, zooming in on google earth and discussing. But to me it is so
positive as we moving forward, we on Gijima are close to ready on one job
separating us from going, and the weather south is interestingly calm (hope
it stays that way).
We then had Sharon and John over for dinner which we all enjoy and did a lot
of in Newport, and is nice to do here again the discussion goes to our ideas
of the next 3 months, plans, as Sunsensation left Mexico to cross Gulf of T
with us, and looks like they will follow us closely down the rest of the
year, as they will be going to USA for Thanks Giving.
It is funny after all the travelling I have done over the last 25+ years, I
still get "goose bumps" and excitement at planning a trip (like we did in
South America) now it is the rest of Central America, many un charted coves/
bays, others which are un touched in national parks with animals on the
shore, and islands. Yes as I have said so many times the two things thank
make this life so attractive is it is "Simple everything is here" and
"dreams" with people who are also dreaming and why not.
So many people have said we doing some thing different this year, but out
here no we are not, we are the same as so many, they are all living a dream,
wanting to learn and explore, again why not!!!