Tuna, Tuna , Tuna
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 9 Aug 2010 03:05
rowed, to get the morning veggies. Sure enough the rain and thunder came
over us at about 10.30 am. Now Tracy with all her usual timing, asked to go
guitar class, so she asked me to get the dinghy working, we are on our small
engine at the moment while we parts for the big outboard. So with the clouds
about but no rain she in a dress( first dress she has warn here) and she
started the engine, then let it go out, and then struggled to get it start
(she hates pull starts, that is why the big outboard has an electric start),
the incoming tide was pushing up the river, but she got it started. About
hour later Sean doing I doing jobs on the boat, running the main engine (2
week run), doing maintenance on the fuel with chemicals and transfers, the
thunder rumbled over us, and then the heavens opened in typical tropical
fashion. It lasted about 1/2 hour, but unknown to us Tracy had just left the
dock to come back thinking it would not rain, well with the slow engine and
current against her she was soaked and came back onto the dock dripping.
Soon after this the rain stopped, and sun came out, and our neighbors a
sport fisher pulled in, after a 1/2 day out, with 50 + small to medium tuna
(yellow fin). Sean and Alex just wandered around the dock looking at the
fish and men cleaning, there was so much that we have 3 meals and I took a
bucket full and distributed it amongst the other cruisers so they all have
at least 1 if not two meals. This is the first tuna of the new season here
and brought a welcome smile to our faces.
One of the aspects of cruising I love is the trading that goes on, I helped
out the skipper with his PC, and he gave us fish, we had a canoe come around
with shrimp fresh this morning so we got some of this as well. As we did
coming down Bahia we traded sodas for lobster, we all end up happy and with
what we need.
The evening happy hour all the cruisers gather around the pool for drinks
and to discuss the days activities and life, topics range from new places,
to how you fix this, to where you get this, movies etc. It is nice community
and time, tonight I made a bucket of PIMMS (an English rum drink with is
more like a fruit punch with a kick) we put the bucket next to the pool, and
gather. We are using up our store of alcohol which Tracy I would not
normally drink on our own, so we do not pay duty when we go back to
I had the restaurant make fish bread crumb fingers for the boys with some of
tuna it was wonderful, and then been Sunday we had Pizzas (this is the one
night you can get these).
When I look back on the day we achieved a lot and time vanished, now the air
is still as the tide is turning, but in the far distance you can see
lightening and thunder, so we can expect rain (good as we all had long
showers and need the tanks filled).
So another day passes in the tropics.