Sun out and the boat looks like a Chinese Laundry

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sat 6 Nov 2010 21:07
the day was to open up all the ports, hatches and let the boat breath, then
out went the cloth lines and we hung out the washing. Yes all three boats
started to transform into colorful Chinese laundries as we tried to dry out
The bay it's self came alive and the colors of the jungle and water became
more inviting.
We headed off as a family to explore some beaches coves around the South
side of the island while it was still low tide. One of the great things
about cruising remote islands is that you can only get there by boat, so we
find that the beaches are ours, which the boys love. We found a very nice
cove with a great tree island (photos will be published in the next couple
of days as we get to a good wireless connection). The boys played in the
water, Tracy did her exercises and I continued on reading "Truman" (a very
fascinating account of Harry Truman's life, big book). Around us the
pelicans dived for fish, and the kingfishers darted about, we had Guitar
fish in the water, (like sand sharks) and the jungle over hung the back of
the beach where we had a 40 foot cliff, making a nice shaded area. The water
was cool due to rain water, but it was good for everyone to get out for
3 hours.
Sharron and Maggie decided to go to a local town 1 to get off the boats, 2
to get some basic supplies, but I think the biggest thing is they wanted to
shop. We have 5 to 6 meals left on the boat which is planned in our wind
down of food, which we want run out by the end of next week, allowing us to
clean out the lockers when we get to Golfito, and access what is left that
needs to be got rid of before we go to Australia. We will then buy on a as
needed basis for the next couple of weeks depending on our plans. We want to
do some land exploring of the peninsula, we want to go down the gulf on the
boat and explore, all depends on weather, and time.
Tonight happy hour is on Sunsation, as we clean up things ready to cross to
Punta Leona tomorrow morning on the main land.