Anchor day and Planning

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sat 10 Apr 2010 03:44
most important piece of equipment we have. We have spent a lot of time in
the last couple of years redoing the anchoring system we have 3/8 High T 300
feet, so we have no rode (which is key), we have a 73 lb Rocna anchor which
all the people down here who a long termers are using. This anchor is a new
generation out of New Zealand and is really good holding in changing
conditions. Today we removed a stainless steel swivel I had as I had seen it
come up a number of times at bad angles, which means it is not free, and
stainless steel work hardens which is an issue. So we replaced this with the
traditional cast iron shackle swivels which are much adapting to different
If you are planning on going cruising do not cut back on expenditure on your
ground tackle, so many people do, and they drag, and do not sleep, you will
be anchoring 90% of your time, and the winds will change 180 degrees while
you are anchored and you will get 30 + knot winds, and your system must be
able to hold with confidence. You must have a windlass that works, do not
have rode it is hassle you anchor in 20 to 30 feet, and this means you are
looking at 80 to 120 feet out, we run 300 feet of heavy chain, we do not
The bridle is important as it must absorb the waves on the boat, you do not
want the load on the windlass, we have a two sided bridle eg with two sheets
to chain this gives us better balance and if one fails you old on the
Key is we sleep at night, today we did a complete check of chain, and
shackles etc as well as improvements, all for piece of mind.
The rest of the day was spent on planning for South America, which is be
coming solid.
Tonight we had a cruisers welcoming party, which was nice to meet everyone,
and hear some local opportunities for tours and marine spare parts.
We are going on a tour tomorrow to Copan a set of Mayer sites, we hope to do
a volcano on the way, we will travel across the country and it will be 2
days, we want to do this before Gary leaves so he sees part of the country.
So I hope to do a blog tomorrow but do not count on it.
Stay tuned.