Productive Day on boat, then explored Old Town Mazatlan

Again we received a tropical storm last night, good for
washing decks, but the morning was clear, and we did have a very productive day
with the cleaning of the boat externally, and deep cleaning of the cockpit,
which is really where we live and after 2 months it needs a clean out. Then
Tracy spent the morning stowing all the stores we picked up and switching toys,
and clearing the decks. As we had someone in to clean the dust and internals in
the afternoon, as this effects Tracy’s allergies so now we have a stocked
and clean boat, nice thing. The boys and I spent the morning away from the boat at the
park doing mini golf and doing hours of swim mining which was a nice relaxation
for the boys and they enjoy the resort facilities. This port stop like La Paz
has a busy schedule first couple of days to get the list of jobs and tasks done
so we ready for the next 2 months. We enjoying the time in Mazatlan the marina is good, and
people friendly on the dock, and around the marina. Then there is experience
the town which is different to Baja side. We went into the OLD Town this
afternoon and evening to explore the streets, the open air market and take in
the atmosphere. This started with a ride in a make shift taxi made out of a “pick
up truck” and then we looked around the open air market. This was nice
but after the markets in Asia like in Bangkok and else where it was okay, but
the thing about open air markets it’s not what is sold it is the
characters around the place. This is what Tracy and I enjoy watching people,
Sean who has done a lot of open air markets enjoys them finding toys and
carvings out of all places, and Alex just takes it all in. From there we wandered through the Old Town streets past the
Cathedral and to a Open Air Plaza in the middle if Old Town, with a
big square and lined trees and circling the square was a range of restaurants all
open air. You pinch your self to make sure your not in Europe, as it is just so
European with the street cafes, restaurants, and music in most. As night fell
so the lights on the trees and building came up in a golden / white array, but
the temperature was very pleasant. We sat outside for a wonderful dinner, with
a Sax player next to us, and people just wandering and taking it all in. Again
both Tracy and I could have spent a number of hours here just absorbing this
wonderful European atmosphere and character. But with the night now fully
down, and boys having desert it was time to pile into one of these VW fresh air
taxis, which Sean likes to the “Tuk Tuk” in Bangkok and they love
the ride (see photo. This city has a modern commercial tourist side on the
beaches which basically could be called a second Canada as 70% of people are Canadians,
then you have the Old Town which is true Mexican/ Spanish, a lot of Character, |