How they used the GOLD
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Wed 23 Jun 2010 02:43
catch a cab to the lima Gold Museum, which we had a number of good reports.
It was impressive, it is amazing how they used the gold, and the extend of
detail they went to before the Incas and after. We wandered about the
exhibits just walls of cups, face plates, chains plates etc, it was very
worthwhile just getting the history, I had not realized that so much
happened before Incas.
Tonight we hit the Indian Markets all the small stores very colorful, we
picked up two long rugs which will go well back in the house in Australia,
(we are for the first time in 20 years thinking about getting's for the
house, even if they stay in storage until we move in). Too often we have
gone thru amazing places and left with no things to remember so now we
picking up the odd things. After this we dropped into a "Starbucks" funny
how the little things you go after but Tracy has been having big issues in
finding Decaf mocas and the boys get the hot chocolate, this is really the
first Starbucks we have seen in 6 months, so it is a bit of normality (from
the old life). You may think why are they going to Starbucks in Peru, but
remember we have been travelling for 6 months and you long for something's,
even if for a short time. But we ran into a Peruvian Mining Engineer who had
lived in the US for a while so we had a good discussion, he has given us to
contacts for the Lima Yacht Club, which we will try to go tomorrow, as we
would like to see if Eric (a cruiser we met in Mexico) is here, he should be
close, but all yachts check into the Yacht Club, apparently it is a nice
area so we will explore and see.
We have spent the day also watching soccer (glad to see South Africa beat
France), and being travel agent trying to sort out possible trips, (I am
glad I do not have sort out flights and boats full time), but we are getting
it sorted, and it comes with the territory, but we trying to get Galapagos
Islands, which has proved a challenge to get boats and trips which will have
kids. We have looked at sailing there but you are unable to take your own
boat around all the islands, so you need to get local cruise boats, and it
looks like it will be cheaper to fly in and do a boat trip around 5 islands,
but we have found some boats eventually.
Tomorrow we will probably see Australia bow out of the world cup.