Waiting for high tide to lift us off a sand bank

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 29 Nov 2010 20:39
Location Rincon top Gulf Dulce 8:41.717N33:28.72W

Well we are stationary but not anchored we ran aground 2 hours ago, and are unable to move, so we waiting for another hour or so to for the incoming tide to lift us off. You ask why did you run aground, actually it is simple this coast here is very deep water, and the sides come up fast as you get within 20 feet of shore, but we were going along (remember our depth gauge is not working so we using a manual one) we are looking for a sand shelf of about 40 to 50 feet to anchor in, also Tracy wants the best setting.
So in our slow movement along this beautiful shore we found this friendly sand bank.
So we can just sit and wait.
We left early this morning in still air, to come all the way down the gulf, this gulf is very different to Gulf of Nicoya as it is very deep 600 feet nearly all the way up. So the water is clear this was not formed by rivers but by a fault line, so as we came up the water came Lake like. You see the odd house but basically it is thickly wood jungle to the coast.
We are back in the jungle but on water this will be nice for a week and our final week on the boat in Central America.

Still waiting for the tide to come in.