Photos from Eater Island rev 1

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Wed 16 Jun 2010 03:12
the statues to the Moai quarry where they carved out each statue as one
piece of rock, you have a photo of a 21 M half cut out one in the rock. All
the buried ones are at the quarry. Probably this is one of the most
incredible things about these statues is they are carved out of a rock face
on the side of the central volcano. They are huge are one piece and then
transported they say with 90 people, each one takes 7 to 8 months of carving
out of the rock. I looked at the 15 statues in a row on the south end of the
island today every face is different, showing the character of the person
they are representing.
The photos go through the park where the boys have met so many friends
playing soccer etc.
We will add a lot more photos tomorrow.