Spanish 2 Year Birthday on the Island

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sat 28 Aug 2010 03:39
year old birthday at her place for a local family. I think Sean heard it
first and jumped for joy, a party and piñata as well was too much to hold
him back, Alex was slower he understood the party part, (means cake and
other kids) but this Piñata thing???
Just at 11 am the heavens opened up, I just lowered the dinghy, but the boys
were ready and just as the shower past we headed up river to Jan's (she is
the school teacher who has bought a 3 acre piece of land on the island,
after arriving here on her 75 foot 9 years ago). She has new stairs on the
end of her dock, which extends way out into the river due to the shallow
sides and tides. Jan is building her new house at the moment, and the party
is to be in her guest house at the back of the property, we pass through the
palm trees and then banana trees past the well (as there is no running water
or electricity on the island). The birthday girl is the daughter of one of
the workers on her house, but lives local about 1/2 mile up the island (I
pass the house they care for each day on my row).
There are about 8 kids and we brought some left over gifts from Sean's past
parties which we could hand out and the kids enjoyed playing with the planes
etc. But the hit was the piñata this is a Spanish tradition of a stuff
animal made of paper, handing from the ceiling and fill of candy. The kids
hit it and eventually all the candy falls on the floor for everyone to grab.
Sean had done this back in California before but Alex this was a new
concept, but the candy part he understood, just not how to get it. First the
birthday girl went, then Alex who took up a double forehand approach with
the stick to hit the animal, and Sean and then the sisters, this went on for
20 minutes until Sean and elder ones broke through and sweets started
hitting the floor Alex was shocked but then registered he need to move to
get any (fast learner). (See Photos).
It was a good time and experience for the boys as it was totally Spanish and
they were very welcoming. We practiced our Spanish, and enjoyed local
sandwiches and cake. It gave us another chance to donate some more toys as
the boys grow out of them which we left on the island for the families.
Jan's dog had just had 8 puppies 2 days ago so the boys visited the litter
were fascinated by how small the dogs are.
Sean and Alex are still eating sweets, but it is nice how the locals welcome
us into their community, same on the docks etc, all very helpful and
The initial photo is from Anitgua this boy dancing
Next is Alex at a supermarket in San Salvador
Then the 2 year old Spanish party on the island