A day relaxing while waiting !!

The port closed today due to the northerly winds, with the forecast
I would expect t to be closed tomorrow, and maybe the next day, the winds are
20 – 30 knots, but it is not the wind it is sea that goes with it. As one
person put it the winds build coming clear from Arizona with nothing to stop them,
and with them comes this very different chop, a wave where the they come
square, eg the wave has no back. We had a boat come in next to us this morning
before the port closed, they just came from the Old Port 7 miles to south, and
they were beaten up, and not happy, and forecast is for at least 3 days of
this. I suspect we stuck here until Thursday when we will start south, but that
is just an estimate and we guided by weather. The second thing we are waiting for is the secondary fuel
filters these will be spares, they cleared customers, but did not arrive today
here, hopefully tomorrow, my policy with these parts is to have them on board
so “Murphy” is avoided as you can be certain he will drop in if we
do not have those filters. But who can complain about the location to stuck, an
interesting city with culture, and a resort to swim and laze in, and the
temperature is not bad so the boys spent a good time in the pool today. I was able to complete some of those “nice to have tasks”
like putting the remote hydraulic pressure gauge in for the Hydraulic Steering,
(Ed will appreciate this) as up until now we have had to check the gauge which
was mounted under the main bed, a big hassle to check, and guess what we rarely
check it, now we have it in the cockpit along with the other gauges, all easy.
Nothing more embarrassing and troubling than to pull out of a dock and then relies
you have no steering( I am talking from experience!!). But I am sitting here and not hassled by the delay, as our
schedule is flexible, and why take risks when you don’t need to. I just
completed watching the movie “the Bucket List” about the 10 things
you want to do before you depart this world, and I am happy to say this trip is
knocking off one at the moment, and will knock off a number, it is very
satisfying. Tomorrow we break out the bikes and explore by bike!!! |