Last Day in Chile on the Ski Slopes high Above Santiago
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sat 19 Jun 2010 23:40
the ski rental place, which was a hive of activity, and then on up the
mountain range. It is about 1 1/2 hours out of Santiago, having to put
chains on we climbed the very impressive Andes Mountains, which were so
clear today, and covered in snow.
Everywhere was fresh snow from yesterday's falls, and we arrived I am sure
not the correct place but a place, as it was not ideal for kids, but we got
Sean and Tracy into a private 2 hour class, (much cheaper here).
Alex and I built a snow man, and then found the outside bar, Alex flirted
with the girls coming in, and we watched people going up and down, while we
sit on top of the mountains.
The scene here is that we are literally on top of the mountain range not in
a valley so we look down on everything, which when clear was a great view.
It was good for Sean to get a further lesson and Tracy wanted see how she
went, they both enjoyed it, and it was a nice way to end our Chile adventure
as it has been centered on the mountains and to be on top of them was ideal.
Photos are from :
Last evening at Easter Island
Some Ski/ Mountains outside Santiago
Tomorrow is an early start heading to Peru for a few weeks.