Rain, Rain and more Rain
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 27 Sep 2010 23:35
for the weekend departure.
But it gave us a chance to do some further cleaning up, Tracy stored many things re-organizing the boat especially kids toys, we also donated another 2 big bags of toys and cloths as Alex is growing quickly and growing out cloths and toys they not showing interest in for 5 months we passing on, this again helps with the boat management. We will leave here with a lot less than when we arrived and allot more organized.
I did my 6 months major maintenance on the batteries it is amazing the black film build up, while small it is still an issue. so I wire brushed all 10 batteries every cable and re tightened down, especially cleaning the battery post, and filled and cleaned all the batteries, so what I thought would be 20 minutes ended up being 2 1/2 hours, but it is a better system. I am now topping off charge and I will equalize tomorrow for 4 hours, and again top off and then I hope we will be in good shape.
Another boat came onto the docks today off the moorings in preparation for leaving early next week, so at this stage there will be three of us leaving within a week. But we all have minor jobs to do, and biggest job is packing away things as boats have a habit of exploding with gear when you stay in one place, I am also locking things down in this process.
Lets see what happens with the weather tomorrow.