Heating in the Southern Hem

Chris & Lyn Darch
Mon 16 Aug 2010 22:56
Hi Folks
Well the saga of the heater continues, After some toing and frowing with a
company in Auckland it turns out that there is a local company that supplies
the spares, it was just five minuets up the road ! they were also realy on the
ball, and could access spares withing 48 hrs ! as opposed to 10 days from
the Auckland lot .
Anyway once I had the parts in my mitts I took them all to the garage set up the
burner and hay presto with the new nozzel in it worked first time.
Back to Zeph set it all up and pushed go, went out to the back of the
boat to see a cloud of black smoke, thinking that this was the eccess fuel
being burnt off from my previous attempt to start it, it wasnt, in fact the sooty
deposits were having there own party inside the flame tube, the system safety
shut the whole thin down, just to be on the safe side I checked the top of
the unit, it was still very warm, this alarmed me, so I removed the burner
head, lots of smoke and a red glow, not a good thing even though its all
in a flame proof, ceramic insulated box, putting on my firemans hat I shouted
to Lyn to get me an extinguisher, I dumped two large 6kg and one Co2 into
the flame box for good mesure, it just goes to show though that even with
these large comercial fire extinguishers there were just about adiquite to
deal with the problem, the usual yachtie type ones would have been
absolutely useless.
 So thats a strip down job for the whole unit to fine out what went wrong..
more to follow on this saga ..
The upside is that it occured to me that my AC unit is also a 4 kw heater
we had only used it once , I grabbed the manuel and read up on it all
re-configured the settings and hay presto a warm boat.
The other saga of hot water has also now been solved, I have sourced
the eliment, again in Auckland and had it sent down, fitted, stripped
all the fitting out and re sealed them all, put it all back together and
now we have pipeing hot water again, one step fwd two back !
Noahs on a warm Zepher
PS the rain still persists and the wind to !