Rock pools

Chris & Lyn Darch
Sun 6 Jul 2008 21:49
Hi Folks,
Another day of maintenance with Lyn completing the sail repair to the Yankee , the wind abated in the evening and we hauled it down toot sweet before it came up again.
 Commenced the hull cleaning , what a sight we new it was a bit more than usual but when we got down under the hull it looked like a Cornish rock pool , with the goose barnacles,which have a soft stem coming out from a hard foot that anchors them to the hull , beautiful sight with them all swaying in the current , those buggers had started to gestate in the Galapagos I guess and grown all through our passage to the Maaqusers, didn't last long though with sharp flat scrapers we converted them to fish food in about three hrs , lots of happy fish about , none though of a bigger size to eat ..
 With the constant 15 to 20 knt wind it seems more like the Caribbean now, as the pacific trades are now at there height , they usually blow full strength from July till August so we should have a good passage from here to the Tuamotos .
 Exploration this afternoon ashore , we have been meaning to go for a few days but our maintenance tasks seem to have taken us more time than we anticipated , will let you know tomorrow how we got on with the locals .
A fully maintained crew