North to South PIII

Chris & Lyn Darch
Thu 6 Aug 2009 20:36
It was up and att'am again the next morning, Jack and myself armed with our snow gliding equipment set off to the ski fields of Cadrona, it's a 50 km drive so we were away, even though Jack was in a semi comatose state he had woken by the first hill climb some 20 km down the road.
The climb to Cadrona was a blast, as we climbed up from the valley the clear views over the lakes was great, Jack was doing the gazing but I was more concerned with the road conditions, after climbing some 800 metres from the valley floor we were in the ice and snow, it levelled out into a Plato which had the small village of Cadrona, a one horse town to say the least, history has it that all these types of towns down here on the South Island were old gold mining towns, left over from the late 1800's it was very reminiscent of our drive some years ago with our friends Rob and Sharon from Salt Lake to Nevada except much shorter .
 Anyway after the Plato road we started to climb , very Alpine type hairpin bends all the way up to 1200m passing the lower ski lift station and up to the main base camp, its the first time I have driven up above a lift station before , snow and ice crunching sounds could be heard as we inched our way into the care park and slotted into the front of a large snow drift, parking done we got out and donned our gear , off to the lifts and on with the day's skiing, it was a cracker, clear skies and nice crisp snow, the resort wasn't big but was very well managed and enough for a good day skiing without the legs buckling below you at the end of the day .
 Back to the truck by 15:00 Jacks thighs were tired, apparently snow boarding is the opposite to surf boarding and although Jack was a bit of a natural the new position was tiring on unused muscles, "ah the utes of today" anyway I was still standing and not feeling to tired, must be all that running up and down the hills of Wellington that's kept my fetlocks fit .
After a considerable amount of de-icing we pulled out of the snow drift and wound our way back down the mountain, by now the roadways ice and snow had melted and was more of a mud track descending the side of the mountain was more of a mud slide, driving conditions can be quite challenging and the use of four wheel drives here makes sense, as opposed to the city slickers and there "Welly Tractors".
Our appetites were large as we piled in to the local Italian eating house, stuffed a large amounts of carbs then back to the bat cave, well that's what it looked like, and to bed, I call it the bat cave as it was a loft type of accommodation, Lyn and I were in the loft bit like a pair of bats up in the ceiling space with 1.2 to 1.6 metres of space to the ceiling , we left Jack down in the lower bed, easy to get him out and about in his morning " Lazerace trance " mode .
Next day the weather had closed in and Lyn's fishing trip to the lake was off so we went to the Kiwi house, saw the little buggers  walking about in a large red light box, interesting little creatures like baby ostriches digging around looking for bugs and worms in the undergrown, apparently they are the only birds with there nostrils at the end of there beak, plus they carry an egg almost as big as themselves .... its about 120mm long and about 70mm in circumference  and once laid the kiwi walks off as when the egg hatches the little kiwi comes out fighting with all its survival senses active, the parent bird has no part in its upbringing, the hard wired DNA imprint puts the little fella into action strait away, pre white man times, before the introduction of stoats,whesels, rats and all other manner of mammals to these shores the bird life flourished, in fact it was so good a lot of the birds had lost the use of there wings and just ran around the forest floors munching every little creepy crawly they could find, the little rodents have put a stop to that and most of the bird that are flightless are extinct or very nearly, they only now thrive on the out laying islands.
After an interesting guided tour of the rest of the establishment we had lunch and went to watch Bruno the movie , don't bother ! it was pants a re-hash of the old Borat one .
 After that we had a early night as the next day we were off up the West coast to Franz Josef glacier .
To Be continued further in PT VI