Tonga luvvley jubbley

Chris & Lyn Darch
Fri 26 Sep 2008 23:15
Hi Folks ,
Another day in Tonga and it just gets better , food here is great we have explored more waterfront cafes and been to tourist info which is funded by the WWF , a lot of thing here are funded by outside organisations , I guess these guys are paying for there independence from the colonial powers as the UK influence here was minimal, and only effected there external affairs , its very old UK in some respects especially the port documentation ..
 We have a few minor jobs to do today , Lyn has the main job on the sail tainer cover, it turns out all the stitching has been degraded by the UV and has to be completely re stitched ..
 After that we have to get the Fwd sail down to repair the UV strip on that as its come away from the sail in the last blow , I'm sure it wont last the big one down to NZ in a months time ...
 We have found a really good cruising book on this area , its up to date and looks the dogs B***cks, as we will be returning here it seems to be a sensible move, there is so much to see here , we haven't even started.
 The local beer here is called Ikale , its Ironic as our floating home brew centre Rhythm is run by Ike ...
We are all on clean ship duties as Gail and co are on there way today and we should see them all tomorrow at 1500 in Hotel Paridiso, just above our anchorage .. very convenient .
 We are in the main season for whale watching , as its a breeding ground here for the larger whale species, Tonga only stopped catching them in 1978, and the port we are in was the main processing place ... most of the whale watching goes on from here , the Eco tourism is big here but it seems that its the Europeans and the Americans that are running the things and not the locals ..
Another good night sleep in calm and tranquil waters Ah ...
A rested crew