Days to do are getting few

Chris & Lyn Darch
Mon 20 Oct 2008 08:50
Hi Folks,
Monday started with torrential rain, no wind , as soon as it cleared we set off to the Art Ark , Lyn went for an artist chat, the lady also called us a taxi on the VHF, this whole community operates on the VHF , there isn't much you cant arrange or do on channel 16 !
 Off we went in the Road runner taxi service, "the only one that has a complete vehicle with insurance on the island were are told" into Nuifu , the village we left one week ago to replenish our stocks before heading off to the Hapi group of islands later today, meet up with the crew of "Free Spirit" Paul and Anna who arrived the other day , we obtained the photos of Zephyr which they took when we were on passage from Huahini to Ratatooi islands in the French Polynesian Island group, haven't seen them yet as I was to busy catching up with all the goss from the islands they visited on the way .
 News on Rhythm our friends from Universal yard , they are in the most Northerly of the Tongan Island group and will probably get down here in the next few weeks .
 Anyway after the chit chat we went to the Aquarium Cafe for a last bight to eat, then off around the village to by extra bits and pieces like 2 cases of water , the stuff out of the taps is a bit rank , washing only quality, more tins, a create of Ikali beer and a few tonics , back on the bus we went in search of Lyns Acrylic artist paint , fat chance of that one in the paint store ..
 Back to Ano beech were the little nippers were waiting to ambush us, our bug cream had worn off during the day and we it was just likeCustards last stand , we were eaten alive, a funny sight from off shore probably of four people flapping about whilst trying to get the boat through the shallows and offshore away from those
biting little B*****ds ...
 Back onboard we jumped over the side after stowing the gear to cool off , not much wind in the anchorage at the moment ..
A nibbled crew