Spring has Arrived

Chris & Lyn Darch
Sun 3 Oct 2010 20:10
Hi Folks,
Spring is here, with a big fat high (BFH) sitting right over NZ its been sun, sun, sun, for
the past few days, this is expected to last until at least Wednesday, so we are out side
at last with a vengence etting all boatie things soughted, the lazaret is to priority as the
generator which has langished sine repair in the garage has been dusted off and ready
for the reconfigaration of the electrical control pannel to a place were one can get to it
to use the functions, I have removed the sound insulation from around it, now it shouldnt
overheat and fry the diodes like it did last time.
 Other jobs include, window reasealing, winch servicing, varnish ( Colan ) repairs and
painting of the pilot house, once all this is done he will be back in tip top condition,
oh and I forgot the onchor winch, the coating has broken down, after five years outside
and a large number of anchorages along the way, Lyn will enjoy that.
 It seems that eerybody has come out of hiding and wiith great amusment sitting on the
back rail of Zeph, dark and stormy in hand we watch the manoverings of the locals as
they brush up on there boat handling skills ! best one so far is the guy in the 45ft sail
boat who left the jetty, still attached to his large set of steps, and a air compressor,
needless to say we all jumped  to help  as boat and shore side matirial were strung
out, add the Wellington breeze, not less that 15 to 20 knts his bow bumped all the
way down the pontoon with the gear in between, the red horns appeared and the
handle went down for max revs .... anyway thats another paint job !
 We have noticed that a lot here air on the side of theFrench were fenders are concerned
not all but more than the average.
Anyway, the Hobit is at last underway with the Oz unions trying to force fix pay bargening
for the actors, the film co has said bo****ks and threatened to move it all to Eastern Europe,
the government has stepped in, protecting there patch, St Peter Jackson who also happens
to be I/C of the NZ film commision and also the director/producer of this production, anyway
its all died down know, they held the additions and most of NZ turned up, but unless your
either 6ft 8inch plus, ( elf catogory) or 4ft 10 inch ( dwarf) you have no chance (sis you can apply)
, the good thingis that anybody can have a go, rumor has it that they are using the same
 actor as they did last time for Gandolf, but no other news on casting so far.
Well thats pretty much wrapped up film and boatie news.
Noah's basking in sunshine at last !