Depart Bora Bora

Chris & Lyn Darch
Sun 14 Sep 2008 05:06
Hi Campers,
Well we have finally uprooted our anchor and are now well and truly on our way to Tonga, we left at 11:00 this morning and have been making 8 knts with the twin head sails up, much to my delight ..
We have now transferred computers and are now on the old steam one and the sat phone ..
Our position shows us as just passing the last of the inhabited islands of French Polynesia , Mautpiti , we are the last to leave in our group of Panama veterans, but should be in Tonga before most of them as they are stopping at the Palmerston washing machine lagoon , you now the one I told you about were all the boats were stuck during the last blow ..
 The forecasts are variable so we are rigged for the lot, we have broken out the foul weather gear, and even the booties for this leg .
We are though happy to be on our way, after saying our goodbyes to Ike,Becky and Dan who are heading up to Suwarrow Island in the northern Cooks , apparantly they have crabs the size of dustbin lids, wouldn't like that
in my underpants , the lobsters are also supposed to be in the same category, problems its up in the Inter Tropical Divergence Zone which equals variable winds and lightning storms, we on the otherhand have an appointment with a gin shipment from NZ, plus marmite and HP sauce so it was a no brainier ..
A Crew on there way to spend there wonga in Tonga