Rain at last

Chris & Lyn Darch
Wed 23 Jul 2008 03:26
Hi Folks ,
Good news we have rain at last, infact it should last a whole afternoon if we are lucky , it will give the boat a good wash down and get the salt encrustation's off of it .. we are still in our idyllic anchorage , flat as a pancake ..... ah yes ..
Rob and myself have been up at the crack of sparrows the last few mornings , yesterday we went on a run with Vincent from "Dolci Vita" well Rob ran and I ran 1 min walked 1 min , after that we had  breakfast and it was off on a mercy mission to repair a diesel tank valve , we had the spares to do it between the two boats so it only took a couple of hrs , back to the boat were Ruth has been hard at compiling photos for the blog from our last few locations , its the first chance we have had to send some out so we hope it gives you some flavour of the places we have visited .
 Yesterday evening we invited Vincent,Patricia and the kids over from "Dolci Vita" for a meal , swapping software charts and Ideas which is a pleasant way of spending an evening , "Rob Horsey" I was mix master again it was a dose of the 4 to 1 rum punch mix as we are out of beer, but soon to purchase a gallon of wine I fear as all stocks of rum are now depleted after last night and the thought of whisky punch doesn't pull my chain that much !
Today Rob and myself went on an early morning drift dive through the entrance pass good scenery lots of fish and beautiful reefs undamaged by pollution, what he's in the water again I here you cry , yes I am and enjoying it to I must say , I haven't seen water this clear since the Red Sea which was some twenty eight years ago !
 We all had a lazy lunch at the little local cafe perched overlooking the water , clear as gin with lots of little fish swimming about being fed by Lyn , I didn't know fish actually ate there side plate of chips ....
That's all for now , hope you enjoy the pics , a restful crew