A Birthday in Biscay

Peter Fabricius
Wed 8 May 2024 09:39
The good news is that at last we are clear of Spain and starting to cross Biscay. The bad news is that it is certainly not quite the birthday party I might have wished for. During the night the wind steadily increased to Force 6 we are heading as close to it as we can (about 45 degrees) so you have to add a bit more for the wind we feel over the deck. We steadily reduced sail and now have just a well reefed mainsail , no headsail and the engine running slowly. My expectation is that things will not quieten down for 36 or even 48 hours. It is hard work. You have to hold on all the time to stay upright. Simple tasks like pouring a cup of tea become complex - one hand to steady yourself, one hand to hold the tea pot, but what about the mug? It is very different handling weather like this on a long passage to a day trip across the Solent, or even a 18 hour Channel crossing. First because the sea is much rougher. As well as the wind waves (currently around 2 metres) there is a bigger ocean swell that doesn't happen in the Channel. Second, on a short trip you can survive on biscuits and a hot drink, leaving any washing up in the sink because you will soon be in port. Here you have to eat properly, cook, wash up wash yourself etc. Then there are other tasks. This morning we spotted that a halliard coil had come adrift from its hanging on the mast. That could be a disaster if the rope was washed over the side and got around the propellor, so harness on and a trip on deck. When not on watch, the only thing to do is lie in a bunk really.
I am not after a sympathy vote, I chose to do it and so some 64 years after my first sailing I clearly enjoy it! I could not have better company than Huon. Sharing the work, recognising the sleep loss, enjoying some banter and then some very serious conversations in which we have been putting the world to rights are all part of sailing.
Party on!!
Peter Fabricius
Yacht Pemandia