Easy First Day

Peter Fabricius
Fri 3 May 2024 07:59
Yesterday and last night were pretty windless, but much better that way than too much, especially at the start of a passage before everyone has their sea legs. After supper we motored for a couple of hours but when I came on at midnight there was enough breeze to sail again. Indeed, my parts of the night were fairly “active”. At 0145 I set the reacher sail again and for the rest of that watch and during Huon’s watch until 0600 we made several course alterations as the wind veered S then slightly W of S.
After a fabulous starry night - completely free of light pollution out here, there was a glorious sunrise at 0740. Since then we have gybed , poled out the big reaching sail, completely furled the main and goose winged the Genoa on the other side. This is my “gentleman’s rig”. It takes a bit of setting up, but is so relaxed and comfortable with none of the anxiety of flying the huge spinnaker.
We have had boiled egg for breakfast and as the generator was running to charge the battery we had 240 volts so could make toast and a new jar of Emily’s home made marmalade Yummy! The weather forecast this morning looks good. We have crossed a band of calm and expect following winds for a few days now. In the small hours when I was on watch I remembered that 3 May is Owen’s birthday so sent him an email. Nice to hear back from Mike this morning and to know emails are getting through.
So as you see life afloat is good and even in this lovely weather, surprisingly busy.
Best wishes from us both
Peter and Huon
Peter Fabricius
Yacht Pemandia