First sighting of the Ancient Mariner

Peter Fabricius
Sun 29 May 2016 17:21
I am sure everyone will be glad to hear that Gale, Nigella & co had scarpered before my plane touched down last night ! However, they had left Peter relatively unscathed thank goodness! Apart from a nasty tenderness down one side after an argument with the rigging a few nights ago, he is in fine fettle.

I am very relieved that the rations I had allocated for the passage have lasted - indeed, I am very impressed that a good number of the original packet of chocolate hobnobs were untouched !
I think we had better have a drinks party soon - supplies still abundant. I suppose we should ask all those characters who kept the Ancient Mariner company on his epic adventure to join us!

Next stop Horta, 150 miles for her indoors to find her sea legs and then exploring the islands.
Many thanks from me too, for all your support and kind messages which have definitely helped Peter hugely

Emily Fab.

Sent from Yacht Pemandia