10 May - Day 6

Peter Fabricius
Fri 10 May 2019 08:39
I AM ALMOST EXACTLY HALF WAY!! Less than 600 nautical miles to go!
So lots to be cheerful about. The wind is round to the West, so I am sailing faster with it on the beam than when it was behind me. I have done around 140 miles in the last 24 and if this wind carries on as it is, that figure will be higher after a full 24 hours like this. The rain has stopped and although there is still low lying cloud, the sun is trying to shine through.
Not a bad night. I have taken to getting up every hour rather than the 20 minutes that I do nearer land. Sometimes I am just up for a quick check and back in my bunk immediately, sometimes there are things to do, especially if a ship is visible. Last night the wind got up so at 0230 I was up for a while reefing the mainsail and then getting the trim right afterwards.
So I could see why I was not full of the joys of spring and getting the kettle on before 0700, but as I took stock, I realised that I had a headache and also that I was feeling a bit seasick. Not badly but enough to put me off my stride. So I took some Stugeron, failed to find paracetamol, drunk some water (probably the cause of the headache) and went back to bed. Now, with 2 large mugs of tea and a bowl of cereal inside me, things are on the up.
Vigo in NW Spain is now about 115 miles away and in about 130 miles I will be leaving the Iberian peninsula and heading across Biscay.
I hope my fellow voyagers David and Huon have overcome their problems and having an enjoyable sail to Sicily.
Sent from Yacht Pemandia