Sunday Morning

Peter Fabricius
Sun 22 May 2016 08:43
Of course Sunday has its own special routine on board. First with breakfast which was a boiled egg followed by bread and (home made, of course) marmalade, rather than muesli or porridge. Then came the shower - no falls but even though it is windless (see below about weather) there is a big swell and we are rolling a lot which makes everything a challenge.
Then of course the Ship's Inspection. The Captain and the Master at Arms tour the ship together, white gloves searching for the least speck of dust, Windows must be gleaming, bedding laid out to perfection etc and that is before they even think of starting on the galley.... OK, I had a wipe around with a damp cloth....
I am not yet sure what the weather is doing and have yet to pick up this morning's forecast, although the UK shipping forecast still warns of gales in SE Fitzroy which is well to the North of me. I made all the preparations last night but was up a couple of times during the night to clear skies and to see the barometer still rising which it continues to do as I write. There is a bit of cirrus cloud suggesting wind, but it is windless. Calm. In fact I have been motoring since 0600. Of course I have to run the engine to battery charge now, but have put it into gear. That way I make some progress S and away from the worst forecast area.
So I don't quite know what to expect. I will just have to see how the day pans out. Should I put the joint in the oven for lunch time or this evening? A tough decision so I will think about it while I walk down to get the papers.
Sent from Yacht Pemandia