Not too old for this yet!

Peter Fabricius
Wed 8 May 2019 10:40
A double meaning to my title. First it is my birthday (but I am only 66) and second it has been a somewhat demanding night and morning although things seem to have settled down again.
I was going well on a broad reach yesterday evening but furled the genoa overnight because the wind backed to the S again and it was just slatting noisily. However our speed remained reasonable and with almost 20knots of wind I had quite enough sail up. 4 other vessels disturbed my night and they came in pairs. First a ship passed astern of me and then a yacht which I had to alter course for. It took about an hour until they were safely passed. Then at around 0500 another pair of ships. By now it was raining and I did not see either but watched them closely on the AIS until they were safely passed.
Then the wind died. Suddenly it was only 4 knots but still a rough sea from the wind during the night and continuing rain. I motored for a while and put on full waterproofs to go on deck and de-rig the reaching sail which I had left furled overnight. I think I am going to see quite a lot more wind and prefer to be prepared without anything extra aloft.
So, short of sleep and slopping round in a rough sea without wind, the age question could have been relevant! But an hour’s sleep and a cup of coffee while I opened Emily’s birthday card and presents. She is so thoughtful! The wind has returned and although it is still raining, I am making about 5knots and just 850 miles to Plymouth.
I am not too old for this yet!
Sent from Yacht Pemandia