
Peter Fabricius
Tue 22 May 2018 19:13
The big reaching sail has served me well all day and I’ve made good progress. It is easy not to notice that the wind has increased when it is from behind. By 1800 it was up enough for me to think the big sail should come off which was a shame because we were bowling along at over 7 knots. I had already decided that whatever the wind, the sail would have to come off before dark, because it would be madness to have to drop it in a hurry to alter course for a ship. It took me nearly half an hour to get it down and stowed away. Immediately the wind dropped and we were slopping around in a very uncomfortable way. It soon picked up again and now I have the much smaller genoa set and we are still doing over 6 knots. However the motion is quite uncomfortable, rolling like the proverbial ####. It is made worse by the wind and tide being against each other so I am not expecting it to flatten until about 0400 tomorrow morning.
I’ve managed to cook supper and eat it ok but not feeling exactly 100%. Sitting under an oak tree usually cures it!
Sent from Yacht Pemandia