Saturday Evening Update

Peter Fabricius
Sat 21 May 2016 17:11
First of all, I think my last blog worried people a bit. I have had no significant falls. One has to hold on and I have found myself sitting on the floor in front of the cooker a couple of times (a safe way to be) but nothing worse. I promised some humour so the tale was rather more in my mind than on the boat.
It has been a good day although after spending an hour or more in an intimate relationship with the generator ( in a cockpit locker) this morning, I concluded that I can not fix it.
However the wind has been round to the NW so I have been pointing where I want to go and getting there at 7knots. The sun has been out so glorious. Wind varies from F4-6 and the sea is rough so I have been reefed most of the day for comfort.
I have 836 miles logged and there are 406 to go. I will very shortly reach the point when the Azores are the nearest land (another 10 miles or so).
I have just had the forecast in and it is not all nice with a deepening Atlantic low. The worst of the weather (Force 9) should be to the NW of me. I will shortly leave area Charcot (NW 4-5 becoming variable 2-4) and enter area Azores which is split E/W. In the E where I will be it is not too bad but in the W it will be 6-8 with severe gusts. As the depression moves through the wind will back S or even SE and I don't want to battle against that. Sea state is warned to be at times High (next one up from v rough) or Cross (not a word in my weather book).
So, I am employing defensive tactics. First I am always keeping a bit more reefed than the present conditions require, so I don't get caught out. Second I have born away so I keep more to the East and away from the worst of it. It also takes me further South and again away from it. The price may be a beat for 100 miles when it goes back to SW but a worthwhile price I think.
Finally, do not get anxious if I don't blog for a day or two.
Sent from Yacht Pemandia