. . . to sleep, perchance to dream

Peter Fabricius
Thu 26 May 2016 08:51
37:44.4N 25:39.6W

At 0810 I came alongside the reception jetty at Ponta Delgada! I entered the outer harbour and handed sail 15 minutes before after raising the Blue Ensign and Azores Courtesy Flag.

Wow! One thousand three hundred and twenty five nautical miles in just 2 hours under 12 days. All on my own, but thanks to all your support never alone. Slower than I hoped for but it was never a race. The last 3 or 4 days have seemed long though.

Still, I am here, showered and shaved, tea in hand and mostly sorted out. Just getting used to the stillness. Despite my title I am not desperately tired although I am sure I will be later. I spent last night doing 25 minute sleeps.

Thank you so much to all of you who have been following my progress and watching the blog. Your encouragement and kind comments have meant a great deal to me and cheered me up if ever I needed it.

Ironic that I have no sat phone signal here SO CAN NOT MONITOR THE BOAT EMAIL ADDRESS. THIS WAS SENT BY MOBILE AND FROM NOW I WILL MONITOR THE HOME ADDRESS. I will try and update the blog from time to time when Emily arrives.

With my love and best wishes to all
