Second post...
Peter Fabricius
Mon 6 May 2019 14:45
I hope I have solved the satellite phone difficulties and if so, this post may also show my position on the map. I am almost 130 miles N of Madeira now.
After getting hot and sweaty setting my down wind rig of poled out reaching sail and goosewinged genoa with no mainsail, I enjoyed some lovely steady sailing. The sun has been shining , the sea is fairly calm and at lunchtime I was visited by dolphins. The high cirrus clouds are building so there is wind to come, even though the barometer is steady.
The forecast tells of storms Force 9 to 10 further N and W in the Atlantic so I am pleased I did not head further out towards the Azores. The wind now is SSW about 12-13 knots which is perfect. However after reviewing the forecast and the grib files( more detailed wind predictions) I have taken down the big reaching sail and stowed it away. I have altered course to N E which will take me towards Vigo, hopefully E of the storm. Lisbon is just about 400 miles away and that gives me options to bale out if it gets nasty.
All this is just being cautious. It is much harder and of course more risky being on deck taking down spinnaker gear when it has been left too late, so I’d far prefer to do it sooner or even unnecessarily...
Best wishes to all
Sent from Yacht Pemandia