11 May

Peter Fabricius
Thu 9 May 2019 10:21
39:30N 12:22W

Yesterday was quite a frustrating day. To start with I was tired and it was wet and miserable. Then the wind died and I spent quite a few hours motoring... it was of course my birthday and the high point was ringing Emily on the sat phone in the evening. Good to hear of the progress on the house in that parallel world at home.

For supper I made a fish pie. All right, not quite the Delia luxury fish pie, the basis was a tin of tuna and a tin of sweet corn. I started with an onion but had no flour to thicken a source soused a sachet of cuppa soup. I also added some capers and a hard boiled egg, so quite a feast with mashed potatoes and grated cheese on top. It willlastme two or three days, helpful if the weather turns rough.

At around 1030 there was a bit of breeze which had backed to SE. This normally means a deep depression on the way and sure enough the barometer has dropped 4mB over night. I have not got a forecast yet today.

This morning the rain has stopped but it is grey and poor visibility. Wind back to SW, top of force 5, sometimes up to 6. Sea quite rough but I am bowling along under reefed mainsail alone. Very comfortable and still doing 6 knots.

Great stuff:

Sent from Yacht Pemandia