Back at Ponta Delgada

Peter Fabricius
Wed 20 Jul 2016 16:23
Quite a lot has happened since I last blogged on Saturday. On Sunday we had a leisurely start then set sail towards Pico or Sao Jorge, intending to make our minds up as we went, depending on weather. It was a grey and blustery day - in general the wind was westerly but as each rain squall came through, it backed then veered - each one, I suppose a mini wind system in its own right. It was mostly F4-5, but increased during the day until during the squalls we had up to 28 k over the deck. This took its toll on the new crew so we had a 50% casualty rate. It became clear that we would not reach Velas until well into the early hours and that if full as seemed very possible, the anchorage outside would not be tenable. I did not want to go back to Angra which I thought would also be v uncomfortable so I made the decision to turn downwind and head back to Ponta Delgada. The change in motion was an immediate relief even though the thought of another 100 miles or so may have come as a shock to some. However we had a comfortable night and a lovely reach back to PD, arriving at 1800.
I had exchanged itineraries with Jim Holden on Yuva and the real gain from our extended passage was to be welcomed back by Jim, now with Peri and two of their children and invited aboard their lovely yacht once more for drinks!
On Monday we took a taxi to see the blue and green lakes but as we ascended the hills we were soon in damp mist and from the top vantage point could see nothing. From lower down we could see the lakes but without full sunshine the spectacular colours were somewhat lacklustre. A very good meal ashore at Mercado do Peixe - the third time Emily and I have eaten there and the fish was as good as before. Last time was during the Fiesta and was also where witnessed all the excitement of Portugal beating France to win the European cup!
On Tuesday Malcolm and Judy went sightseeing again (Emily and I had already seen Furnas) and E and I investigated the excellent market, shopped for most of the less perishable food, cooked a casserole for the passage home and started to get the boat ready for the home trip.
Emily is now flying back from here on Friday and I hope to depart with Malcolm and Judy for the homeward passage straight after that.
Sent from Yacht Pemandia
Sent from Yacht Pemandia