A taste of things to come?
Peter Fabricius
Sun 3 Jun 2018 14:31
This morning there were some murmurings of discontent. Not loud, but nevertheless there. Despite a good dinner last night and the new herb garden, despite morning tea in bed for all ladies on board and despite the flat(ish) sea and following wind, there were murmurs. Why? Well, quite simple, it was not warm and it was rather damp with intermittent drizzle and mist.
But things are looking up! Still warm, still a following wind, still flat sea, still doing 6-7knots and now THE SUN IS SHINING! There was an omen this morning when I went forward to rig the reaching sail which has been earning its keep all day. Lying on the deck was a tiny flying fish! We have all read about them and about ocean sailors clearing the deck of them in the mornings, but we had never seen one ourselves. This was only about 4 or 5 inches long and very thin - what fun!
Before lunch we had a nice drink, that we were introduced to by Fran in the village. It is rose wine and tonic with ice and a slice of orange - a sort of rose spritzer. A drop of hitters might be a good extra, but it was interesting, refreshing and not too alcoholic. Mousakka from the freezer for dinner and 400 miles to go!
Sent from Yacht Pemandia