Land Ho!

Peter Fabricius
Wed 6 Jun 2018 13:00
In the 21sr Century, I suppose it is not extraordinary that land was just where we expected- no, knew - it would be. After all, with mobile phones and iPads we must have more than half a dozen GPS sets, each boasting accuracy of a couple of metres. As a child, sailing across the Channel with my parents, we had none of the electronics we expect today. Course was steered with a compass and no autopilot adding accuracy, and distance run was recorded on a Walker log that I still have. A spinner on a long line rotated and notched up distance on a simple mechanical dial. To help there was RDF. A series of stations around the coast broadcast a morse identification close, then a 30 second continuous signal. One rotated an aerial to get a null (like turning your tranny to make radio Luxembourg sound clearer). Of course crossing the Channel one also had to allow for the tide sweeping across.... From this came the old adage of the new navigator putting a tiny pencil mark on the chart and saying we are here and the old hand spreading his hand out saying about here! Somehow it worked and we mostly arrived at the intended destination!!
As a teenager I taught myself Astro navigation and did an A level in it. I have a sextant and have used it “in anger” although on my Azores trip 2 year’s ago, I just used it for fun. This time, the sextant is not even on board. I hear the accusations of disgrace from the old hands!! The Canaries were just where they should be!
Lunch now and then we will be getting ready for our arrival so more tomorrow.
Peter and Emily
Sent from Yacht Pemandia