I think we are ready

Peter Fabricius
Tue 30 Apr 2024 14:51
The one anxiety we faced was around the AIS, an electronic system compulsory for ships and used by most smaller vessels. When I launch the boat the antenna was on the deck not at the top of the mast. It was tempting to ignore it because it appeared that we were still broadcasting and receiving some information about ships. However it is a primary safety system so I wanted a fully functional aerial.  Yesterday out friendly taxi driver took us to a marine shop which had vhf aerials and cable.

This morning Huon and I spent ages trying to route the cable from the “aerial farm” pole at the stern of the boat through to the chart table. It took all morning but at last we have completely the work and have a strong AIS signal broadcast.

Our taxi driver also took us to Pingos the big Portuguese supermarket channel where we bought up half the shop.  We have already identified a coupe of thinks we forgot to buy (red onions) but nothing critical.  Indeed we have joked that if we keep up a reasonably speed we will need to head up to Scotland rather than stopping in Plymouth to give us time to eat all the food!

This afternoon I will lodge my proposed passage with UK Customs and we have booked the Madeira Customs to clear us out with the all vital passport stamps tomorrow at 1000. Then we will set off, taking on fuel as we leave the marina.
