The First 24 Hours

Peter Fabricius
Fri 12 May 2023 08:59
48:47N 06:18W Well it is just about 24 hours since I set out, and if you take into account that I anchored for more than an hour at Cawsand to sort out some technical problems, my progress has not been bad. I hope the map shows that I am 50 NM W (and still a little N) of Ushant. I am comfortably outside the traffic separation zone and major shipping lane that rounds Ushant. I am just over 125 NM from Plymouth - not bad going Yesterday afternoon the wind veered from W to NW and for several hours I was sailing at 7.5 knots or more. At around midnight it veered further NNE and died, leaving a lot of swell. I rolled horribly, felt cold and sick! At 0400 this morning I motored for a bit. Breakfast was later than usual and now although still rolling because the wind is against the tide, I am making fair progress again and the sun is out. Peter Fabricius Yacht Pemandia peterfab {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com |