Getting there
Peter Fabricius
Fri 10 May 2024 19:32
We’ve had a fabulous day. Calm weather and sunshine as we make our way quite slowly North. 205 miles from Plymouth but 130 miles West of Ushant, so with North Easterly wind and spring tides to negotiate it is difficult to predict our arrival time. Our best bet at the moment is Sunday afternoon. There are other signs of the end of the voyage such as fresh food supplies dwindling. This evening may be our last really relaxed night as tomorrow we may well be among ships and fishing boats. So we have had a leisurely supper - the rest of the tuna pie I made yesterday with leeks and courgettes, washed down with a glass of Portuguese white wine.
Earlier we were discussing how astronavigation works so of course I got my sextant out. It is certainly yesterday’s technology and some might say redundant, although I do know that the captain of one of HM warships deploying to the Middle East made his officers brush up their astro skills in case someone switches GPS off. We did some sun sights that put us within a very short distance of our known highly accurate position!
I suspect that tomorrow night it will be 100% concentration on shipping etc . . .
All best
P & H
Peter Fabricius
Yacht Pemandia