"36.45.41N 02.36.27W" - Ocean Lady has arrived in Roqetas at last!!

Tue 23 Jul 2013 07:51
So we were glad to get there and declared the Azores to Roquetas
the worst journey of the whole around the world trip.
When we finally arrived we were greeted by friends John & Jane & some Marinairos with a welcome home Ocean Lady banner, and a
bottle of Champagne, which was a nice surprise.
We dressed the boat in all the Country flags that we had visited,
Jesus (hasus) a Spanish man we had made friends with in Roquetas
saw the flags from his house told his friends and they all came down
to say hello and take pictures, so there was quire a bit of excitetment
in the harbour over the week-end.
Thanks to our friends Neil & Julia for joining us in the Caribbean, hope
they enjoyed it and it hasn't put Julia off for life!

Since we arrived back home it has been all systems go, so apologize
for not up dating the diary, hope you don't think we drowned!
Now we are home, please send e-mails to: m {DOT} atkinson6 {CHANGE TO AT} sky {DOT} com as
we won't have air time on mailasail till next time we sail away! We do have till the end of September to use this system by Wifi
so if I get chance I will put some of my favourite Photo's on.
Hope everyone has enjoyed reading about our Adventure as much as we did having it.
Best Wishes to all Friends & Family, Lots of Love Margaret & Alan xxxx

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