Hi from the Galapagos Feb 20th, 2012

Mon 31 Dec 2012 23:09
Hi Everyone,
On the way here, we helped another boat called Sea Falke that had run
out of fuel.
we transferred the fuel to them by throwing a heaving line with another attached, both attached to the can, when they had the line, they tied it on then pulled the can across, when it was on they untied the rope and we pulled it back.
They were very grateful.
We haven't been able to get internet for awhile here in the islands,
We are surrounded with sea lions they are all over the place, got some lovely photo's we went to a tortoise breeding centre, we are going on a
day trip snorkeling tomorrow, (you arn't aloud to used your own boat) we had to get a license to visit the islands.
When I've finished we are going to the Darwin centre to read all about the islands.
Hope you are Ok Lots of love Margaret & Alan xx