Ocean Lady goes threw the second Canal!

Mon 31 Dec 2012 22:26
The new Pilot arrived at 5 am and we set off across the lake, missing little islands, which are in fact tops of mountains before the canal was
We had a lovely pilot, he radioed ahead to the control tower and asked
the camera could be put on us as we went threw, as the water rose up
and so Ocean Lady, the control tower called out that Ocean Lady had
sailed all the way from England and everyone cheered and clapped it
was a very emotional moment and what a wonderful experience as we
were the only boat in the lock as the large cargo ship was late we went
threw on our own, so when the last gate opened we has a clear view
of our 1st sight of the Pacific Ocean.
Once threw the pilot got off and so did the boat handlers and then we
saw Panama city for the first time.
Hope all is well Lots of Love, Margaret & Alan - Mum & Dad xx