Over half way

Wed 2 Jan 2013 00:25
Dear all,
We are making good progress with less than 870nm to go. Conditions are
lively with strong easterlies force 7-8.
Our pos. 16 48S, 78 21E
Love Ocean Lady
5th October
We are having high sea's and very rocky rolly should last about another
36 hours, tow generator out so we can't go fishing, luckily we still have
meat in the freezer!
Bye for now, Lots of Love Margaret & Alan xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Everyone,
It has been very stormy the last few days(got the storm jib up again)
and is due to last another 36 hours, last night we had 40/50 knots of
wind and was doing 7/8 knots, but it was not comfortable, and we had
a lot of water over the decks, so no cushions to sit on for the last 2 days,
I'm alright as I have plenty of flesh on my bottom but the others are bony
and are moaning there bottoms hurt.
Glad to say we only have another 729 miles to go to Rodrigues, I hope its
a good anchorage.
Lat17.02S - Long - 75.53E have done 1,272 miles and another 728 to do at
8.7am GMT Oct 6th.
Bye for now lots of Love Mum & Dad - Margaret & Alan xxxxxxzx