Sighting in Galapagos-Feb 22nd 2012.

Mon 31 Dec 2012 23:23
We have been sight seeing while we wait for our License to go to another
island, it rains a lot so you get soaked, we went up a hill when we got to
the top it rained and we had to walk around a large! lake so we were
Then we thought we were going to see the tortoises and when the taxi driver
got out at a house in the middle of no where so did we, he gave us 2
banana's each so we thought they where for the tortoises so we walked into
the garden so a man followed us, we kept asking where they where and he
pointed further ahead, so we walked on and on saw pigs, hens, dogs, a
donkey, all sorts of growing things but no tortoises and it turned out the
taxi driver only stopped there to pick up some picnic chairs and as we got
out the car and walked into the garden the taxi driver just sent the man
with us to make sure we didn't get lost.
So we all got back in the truck and over the hill we then stopped at the
tortoise breeding centre the keeper took the bananas off us as they are not
aloud to eat them (the taxi driver had given them to us to eat) at that
point we all declared we just have to learn Spanish and stop guessing.
Then to the beach (in the pouring rain) and then visited a tree 200years old with a cave in the roots and a tree house with all mod cons.
Yesterday we went on a boat trip (we aren't aloud to move ours yet)
snorkelling, saw turtles,sea iguanas which spit salty water at you, napoleon fish,sea lions, and the guide took the men where there was a shark (don't worry only a small one) we had a lovely day snorkeled in 3 different places
and saw some really lovely fish (I had my life jacket on so was ok)
Back to work today, men on the boat stuff, girls doing washing (that what's doing while we are in here doing our mail)
miss you all lots of Love Mum & Dad - Margaret & Alan xxxx