ocean lady on way to Tonga - May 26, 2012
Tue 1 Jan 2013 14:22
Very choppy,
pos 22hrs sat 18 32s 172 36w on way to tonga all ok a m xx
May 27, 2012
Hi Everyone,
At last we have arrived in Tonga, we all declared the worst passage of the trip,(so far!!) it was only 2 days & 2 nights but the wind was a constant 45 Knots & went up to 58 Knots for some time, and couldn't make up it’s mind which way to blow, its the 1st time we have had to get our Storm Staysail, but sailed much better after we put it on, then we came all the way with just that up.
Laura & I were downstairs (picking up stuff or cooking) Alan & Stu did all the outside stuff, they got very wet as the waves came over the deck constantly, it blow out 2 of the side panels in the spry hood,
luckily they can be stitched back in.
Never knew they had so much rain in this part of the world, we came into harbour here at 9.24am to be greeted by our, now greeting sign, a rainbow, this morning there were 3!! & still blowing 35 knots
We crossed the international dated line while at sea so we have lost a day, so good job it was no ones birthday, as 27th May does not exist for us, so now instead of being 12 hours behind you we are 12 hours in front.
So a good clean up & a sleep is our first job, as we have cleared customs, which we had to give presents to 1 had a bottle of whisky & the other 1 a carton on cigarettes, and another want 100$ so we have to go to the bank & get some Tonga Paanga.
Hope everyone is OK, let you know what its like when we have been a shore Ladies have to wear a long skirt & blouse & men have to have a top with collar, so we will have to have a rumage in the wardrobe.
Lots of Love Margaret & Alan –Mum & Dad xxxxx