Here in Bonaire, 16th Jan,2012- Lat-12.09N-Lon-68.17W

Sat 29 Dec 2012 14:11
We are in Bonaire, bit of a rolly journey ,but very fast average of 7/8knots, we had to roll the sails in as we were going to fast and get there in the dark, it is very flat island, and unfortunately it keeps raining, but we have managed to go snorkeling, it is such a shame that the lots of the coral has died and is all washed up on the shore.
We are going to hire some bikes and see a bit of the island when it stops raining.
Hope trip to the dentist went well, and will soon be eating something different.
Here in Bonaire, Lat-12.09N/Lon-68.17W next stop will be the San Blais islands.
Hope you are Ok thinking of you all the time. unfortunately my mobile is not sending photo's so I feel a bit cut off.
as I like you to see what I'm seeing.
bye for now, Lots of love Margaret & Alan xx