Hi from Ocean Lady-07.14S -104.36W

Tue 1 Jan 2013 00:14
Hi everyone,
We had a fair night, only 1 drizzle and wind nor to bad, had a constant 7 knots all day, We have done 984miles so far
our Lat-07.03 - Long-108.14.
We woke up to 15 flying fish on the side deck that had washed up in the night, we had some pretty big waves.
I made rolls for lunch as we have no bread left now, they said they where Ok but they didn't puff up much as it wasn't that sunny 1st thing. luckily it was my time off this after noon, so I could come down stairs when it got hot.
Hope all ok, miss you all. Lots of love Mum & Dad - Margaret & Alan xx