Talking in Tonga!June 01, 2012

Tue 1 Jan 2013 14:31
sheltered Anchorage so have decided to stay and get a few
jobs done,1st on the list to day is varnishing as it has taken a
beating, mainly where your hand go.
We went to a Tongan BBQ last night the food was delious be the bucket of
drink looked a bit doggy so we skipped that.
we came back but the others went to a bar in town, where there were
ladymen (so far since we came through Panama it seems to be getting
more more) they said they weren't interested in any of the women only
the blokes and kept touching them, so we were glad we didn't go.
Hope my photo's on face book, as I'm a beginner it takes me a while to get
all the folders ready & dodgy laptop does help (keeps switching its self
off & the I doesn't work so every time I want us it, I have to do copy & paste
so as you can imagine it takes a while, also put your train of thought off
a bit.
Better get back to the rubbing down or we won't get it done, as another
wants to show us some charts for the reefs in Fiji.
Lots of Love Mum & Dad - Margaret & Alan xxxx