Hope there's now storms were you are!

Tue 1 Jan 2013 23:45
Hi Dad,
Hope you are keeping away from the storms, and are glad your backgammon
buddy is back.
we are on our way to Rodrigues now, about another 2,000 miles, it's a nice
day so far, fingers crossed.
We got very wet indeed getting our shopping in the dingy as it was quite
choppy, we were low in the water as we were loaded up.
I have invented a new outer garment, I cut the corners off a black bin bag
and step into it, as I am fed up walking around with wet knickers & shorts,
when I climb out of the dingy, I just tie it around my waist, hay presto a
black shiny skirt, at least know one knows me here!
Bye for now Lots of Love Margaret & Alan xxxxxx

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