Nearly there! - September 20, 2012 - 12.00S - 098.24E

Tue 1 Jan 2013 23:26
Hi Everyone,
We are nearly there, should be there some time tomorrow, we have done 1,874 miles so far, wind has died a bit so we are motor sailing,
but had a good couple of days before that.
Lat - 12.00S - Long - 098.24E at 8.25 GMT 20th Sept.
hope all is OK, Lots of Love Margaret & Alan - Mum & Dad xxxxxxxx

Hi Everyone,
We have arrived safe, it looks lovely, but unfortunately a storm broke out just as we arrived, so can't see much, we did
managed to get the rain covers on in time, whilst doing that we had 3 sharks circling us, so I guess a swim is out of the
question to day!
We will have to keep in contact by E-mail as there is no phone signal here, & no people, we have to wait here and not
leave the boat till customs have been on board, there does seem to be some houses on the other island, so maybe there
might be one there, we don't know yet.
It was 1,969 miles and took 14 days, 2l hours, it was the best journey so far, apart from the last 3 hours, when the wind whipped
up to 25 knots and it started to rain, we were doing 7/8 knots and we needed to slow down, as it is a reef and dawn hadn't fully
arrived. Luckily to got light in time, but where was the sun, just when you needed a bit of extra light.
Hope Daryll's tooth isn't hurting too much!, and Dad manages to raise some money for the lunch club!
Bye for now Lots of Love Mum & Dad - Margaret & Alan xxxxxx

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